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Off-Script Granola
Active Prep Time
15 mins
Cook/Set Time
45 mins
Total Time
1 hr
Primary Course: Breakfast
Primary Cuisine: American
Serves/Makes: 8 to 10
By: offscriptrecipes.com
Dry Ingredients:
  • 4 c. rolled, old-fashioned oats
  • 1 c. quick oats
  • 1 c. sliced or chopped roasted, unsalted nuts (I like almonds, but pecans, pistachios, walnuts, and hazelnuts are good too!)
  • 3/4 c. unsalted pepitas
  • 1/2 c. light brown sugar, gently packed
  • 1.5 tsp. kosher salt
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
Wet Ingredients:
  • 1/2 c. coconut oil (refined or unrefined, see TIP A below)
  • 1/2 c. hot water (from the tap)
  • 2.5 tbsp. honey
  • 1.5 tsp. pure vanilla extract
Optional Health Kicks:
  • Sub 1 c. quinoa flakes for quick-cooking oats
  • Sub 1 c. wheat germ for quick-cooking oats
  • Add 1/4 c. chia seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, or hemp seeds
Optional Before-Baking Fruit Boost:
  • Add 3/4 c. coconut flakes
Optional Post-Baking Fruit Boost (while still warm):
  • Add 1 c. dried cranberries, blueberries, cherries, apricots (chopped), figs (chopped), or dates (chopped)
Optional Post-Baking Sweet Treat (when cool):
  • Add 1 c. dark or semi-sweet chocolate chips
One: Prepare Dry Ingredients:
  1. Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl and substitute or add Health Kicks or coconut flakes if you'd like (chia seeds are a favorite of mine!).
Two: Prepare Wet Ingredients:
  1. Pop the coconut oil in the microwave in a medium-size microwave-safe bowl for 15-20 seconds or until it melts completely. Add the remaining wet ingredients to the melted coconut oil and whisk until combined.
Three: Combine Wet & Dry Ingredients:
  1. Pour the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients and stir until all dry ingredients are thoroughly coated.
Four: Bake:
  1. Divide the mixture between 2 medium rimmed baking sheets that have been coated with cooking spray. Spread the mixture across each baking sheet and use your hands or a spatula to press the mixture into the pan. Bake in a pre-heated 300° oven for 40-50 minutes, stir the mixture every 12-15 minutes. You'll know the granola is done when it starts to brown slightly around the edges of the pan. Personally, I think under-cooked is better than over-cooked because it has a bit of a chew to it. Nuts are a good indicator of done-ness—you want them to turn just slightly golden, not dark brown.
Five: Finish:
  1. Add any after-baking Fruit Boosts or Sweet Treat that you'd like and enjoy! Granola keeps in an airtight container for up to 3 weeks.

TIP A: Refined vs. unrefined coconut oil? The primary difference between refined and unrefined coconut oil is taste, not health benefits. Both are rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs)—particularly lauric acid—which gives coconut oil it's status as a superfood and health(ier) substitute for vegetable oil or butter. Unrefined (or virgin) coconut oil tastes and smells nutty and will bring this flavor to your granola. Refined is neutral flavored, like grapeseed or vegetable oil.